Script Use of Lexicometry in Sensometrics

Figure 8. Representation of the groups

plot.MFA(res.mfact.23,choix="group",invisible=c("col"),cex=0.8, col.hab="black",
title="Representation of the judges-groups",palette=gray(c(0.2,0.2)), graph.type="classic" )


To build a plot with colours:


Coord.Fig8 <-$group$coord)
         Dim.1      Dim.2     Dim.3      Dim.4       Dim.5      Dim.6      Dim.7
FE5  0.5216814 0.90852822 0.5619642 0.20877440 0.105779334 0.12352713 0.01392934
FE6  0.6002783 0.71625549 0.4998249 0.37654161 0.379024993 0.16576030 0.05657409
FE12 0.4783115 0.31481748 0.2339717 0.27808932 0.488434228 0.56415664 0.05194351
FP1  0.5650040 0.25494670 0.6179186 0.05964175 0.229198782 0.14667692 0.16360350
FP3  0.6493209 0.52444283 0.2747015 0.37261156 0.091096238 0.35657346 0.19602618
FP4  0.4606929 0.39027844 0.2195386 0.41694722 0.387149399 0.16154924 0.17237528
FP5  0.8095360 0.76773875 0.6507755 0.52339493 0.369177769 0.39529002 0.28098166
FP6  0.5828876 0.24419601 0.0978394 0.31751967 0.359608227 0.22775066 0.07663075
FP7  0.6623824 0.56124473 0.3691041 0.76684383 0.414276810 0.51229562 0.39160361
FP8  0.7239697 0.53476966 0.5688735 0.74253857 0.610451832 0.60224937 0.45471021
FP9  0.3024460 0.59153287 0.1607821 0.49132803 0.351611106 0.08136717 0.01152154
FP10 0.7537059 0.39216560 0.2883407 0.21859139 0.003741619 0.06253460 0.22219480
FP11 0.5808224 0.58749162 0.3926773 0.55058341 0.491383336 0.30138881 0.62584340
FP12 0.2461591 0.43342072 0.6843637 0.27038529 0.237030853 0.28507765 0.03458458
CE1  0.3927448 0.13505090 0.5797389 0.48327460 0.213030308 0.17663934 0.15579780
CE2  0.7859212 0.84520182 0.8923044 0.11179396 0.058550375 0.04281726 0.01859976
CE3  0.8924167 0.79769680 0.4460350 0.29913421 0.058242724 0.08353784 0.03440521
CE4  0.7995879 0.02390627 0.3848818 0.42127090 0.064801096 0.19448959 0.05422044
CE7  0.3774172 0.77308627 0.2922621 0.81314369 0.542210364 0.25035583 0.01787256
CE8  0.3776991 0.78254070 0.7271908 0.07148931 0.059739455 0.02338295 0.01700590
CE9  0.9183888 0.16856257 0.3670783 0.16226667 0.123405795 0.14076731 0.09334841
CE10 0.2131024 0.74854551 0.6434280 0.33965890 0.066816110 0.25775989 0.04459203
CE11 0.5739049 0.57027313 0.2378571 0.27550991 0.107443601 0.23735186 0.02220830


Coord.Fig8$type <- 1 # French by default
Coord.Fig8$type[15:23] <- 2 # Catalan judges
df.ilustrat <-$group$coord.sup)
df.ilustrat$type <- 3 # Liking score
Coord.Fig8 <- rbind(Coord.Fig8, df.ilustrat)
Coord.Fig8$type <- as.factor(Coord.Fig8$type)
                 Dim.1      Dim.2      Dim.3      Dim.4       Dim.5      Dim.6      Dim.7 type
FE5          0.5216814 0.90852822 0.56196425 0.20877440 0.105779334 0.12352713 0.01392934    1
FE6          0.6002783 0.71625549 0.49982489 0.37654161 0.379024993 0.16576030 0.05657409    1
FE12         0.4783115 0.31481748 0.23397168 0.27808932 0.488434228 0.56415664 0.05194351    1
FP1          0.5650040 0.25494670 0.61791858 0.05964175 0.229198782 0.14667692 0.16360350    1
FP3          0.6493209 0.52444283 0.27470152 0.37261156 0.091096238 0.35657346 0.19602618    1
FP4          0.4606929 0.39027844 0.21953860 0.41694722 0.387149399 0.16154924 0.17237528    1
FP5          0.8095360 0.76773875 0.65077554 0.52339493 0.369177769 0.39529002 0.28098166    1
FP6          0.5828876 0.24419601 0.09783940 0.31751967 0.359608227 0.22775066 0.07663075    1
FP7          0.6623824 0.56124473 0.36910409 0.76684383 0.414276810 0.51229562 0.39160361    1
FP8          0.7239697 0.53476966 0.56887345 0.74253857 0.610451832 0.60224937 0.45471021    1
FP9          0.3024460 0.59153287 0.16078205 0.49132803 0.351611106 0.08136717 0.01152154    1
FP10         0.7537059 0.39216560 0.28834068 0.21859139 0.003741619 0.06253460 0.22219480    1
FP11         0.5808224 0.58749162 0.39267735 0.55058341 0.491383336 0.30138881 0.62584340    1
FP12         0.2461591 0.43342072 0.68436370 0.27038529 0.237030853 0.28507765 0.03458458    1
CE1          0.3927448 0.13505090 0.57973889 0.48327460 0.213030308 0.17663934 0.15579780    2
CE2          0.7859212 0.84520182 0.89230435 0.11179396 0.058550375 0.04281726 0.01859976    2
CE3          0.8924167 0.79769680 0.44603496 0.29913421 0.058242724 0.08353784 0.03440521    2
CE4          0.7995879 0.02390627 0.38488184 0.42127090 0.064801096 0.19448959 0.05422044    2
CE7          0.3774172 0.77308627 0.29226211 0.81314369 0.542210364 0.25035583 0.01787256    2
CE8          0.3776991 0.78254070 0.72719078 0.07148931 0.059739455 0.02338295 0.01700590    2
CE9          0.9183888 0.16856257 0.36707827 0.16226667 0.123405795 0.14076731 0.09334841    2
CE10         0.2131024 0.74854551 0.64342805 0.33965890 0.066816110 0.25775989 0.04459203    2
CE11         0.5739049 0.57027313 0.23785706 0.27550991 0.107443601 0.23735186 0.02220830    2
SumTable_Fr  0.9800737 0.80778408 0.54886365 0.47111989 0.383769737 0.34998439 0.24049454    3
SumTable_Cat 0.9295460 0.64600472 0.74811075 0.43304743 0.202873131 0.22035000 0.08454973    3
Liking.score 0.1020069 0.79386948 0.08315279 0.04150343 0.017035970 0.01468950 0.01005005    3
col1gr <- c("white", "black", "#33CC33") # Background colours French, Catalan, Scores
col2gr <- c("red", "white", "white") # Word colours French, Catalan, Scores
Figure8 <- ggplot(Coord.Fig8, aes(x=Dim.1, y=Dim.2, label = rownames(Coord.Fig8)))+
theme_classic()+ coord_fixed()+
geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="dashed", color = "grey")+
geom_vline(xintercept=0, linetype="dashed", color = "grey")+
geom_label_repel(size=5, fontface = "bold", max.overlaps=44,
box.padding = unit(0.35, "lines"),
aes(x=Dim.1, y=Dim.2, label = rownames(Coord.Fig8), fill = type, color=type))+
theme(axis.title.x= element_text(size=17, face="bold"))+
theme(axis.title.y= element_text(size=17, face="bold"))+
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=rel(1.6)))+
theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size=rel(1.6))) +
theme(plot.margin = grid::unit(c(t=5,r= 2,b=3, l=2), "mm"))+
scale_fill_manual(values = setNames(col1gr, levels(Coord.Fig8$type))) +
scale_color_manual(values = setNames(col2gr, levels(Coord.Fig8$type)))+
ggtitle("Figure 8. Representation of the judges-groups")+
theme (legend.position="none")+
theme(axis.title.x = element_text(margin=margin(t=10))) +
theme(panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA, linewidth=1))